Save money with these household water tips.

We’ve moved from having unmetered waters to metered water. It’s been rather a shock. Especially with the water pressure being awful! But even if you like us have problems with your water pressure you still want to try and save money. Heres some of the top tips I’ve been passed on by a plumber.


Run a full machine but wash your jeans less! Washing them after wearing not only uses more water than needed but will also wear out your jeans quicker. Try airing them out or even putting them in a freezer over night to freshen them up! Why not also dry your clothes on the line? Not only will you save energy but you will also save water as it takes a lot of to produce the electricity you use around the home.

Around the home.

Check faucets & pipes for leak, especially with winter coming up! The last problem you need is frozen pipes. A small drip from a faucet washer can waste up to 20 gallons of water a day! A dripping tap wastes up to 5500 gallons a year!  That’s water you’re paying for and not using. Same with the toilet and this is a fun tip to do with the kids. Put some glitter and/or food colouring in your toilet tank. If the colour starts to appear within half an hour without you flushing the toilet then you have a leak and that can be fixed fairly cheaply and quickly.


Short and sweet showers will leave you squeaky clean but can also save you 10 gallons of water a minute. And while you’re at it why not change your shower head? Changing your head for an aeriated water-efficient one will save you £100 on your water bills and £65 on your gas bills to heat that water up a year if you have a combi boiler!  Ps if you ditch your baths and head to a shower instead you could save up to £25 on gas and a further £20 on water bills in the year too. Impressive hey?  What ways do you save water and money in the home?


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