20 Different Money Saving Tips

Stepchange have helped over half a million people who have ended up in debt however what they really want to do is to help people before the debt starts. Is that great. They have 101 fabulous facts and tips online and asked me to share mine with you.

Obviously most of know the more common ones ie swap your costa or starbucks coffee in the morning for a take away from home = £500+ a year but what other ways can you help?


1 Cooking: Get rid of the ready meals or ready sauces, instant packets. Spend one day a month making these up to store on your shelves or in the freezer. In fact in America these fabulous sheets for ready quick mix are given out to new familys or couples.

2 When you make up dinner make up double and chuck one in the freezer. That way when you don’t have the energy to cook you can whip out a fabulous home made dinner out the freezer rather than fork out for a takeaway.  

3 Why not buy bulk with a friend? You’ll both be saving money and its actually rather fun wandering the aisles in a cash and carry with friends!

4 Food Shopping: Make a meal plan and then buy online. If you’re still tempted to pop in the shops try and do it late at night. You can buy an awful lot of treats marked down! Preferably after 8pm!

5 Make use of Frozen Veg: Its prepared and its easier to portion size without wasting! We fill up freezer in the last couple of weekends of pick your owning when they prices fall down to practically giving the food away!

6 Lunch: Make your own and take it in with you! You’re dropping the average price down from £5 to £2. That adds up over the month and year.

7 Buy generic: For something like pasta, lemsip, jam etc  you’re very often getting the exact same ingredients at a quarter of the price!


8 Get a water jacket on your boiler! Up to £50 over the course of winter!  That’s a day out you can save.

9 Move stuff! I love our home but like most of your get bored after a while. Rather than buy something new move your furniture around. It’s a great way to work out too. Plus you find the stuff you rarely use and if you don’t want it someone else might. Chuck it on ebay or preloved and earn some extra pennies.

10 Online Bill Payments. Many companies these days will give you a discount for receiving bills online and some will give you a discount if then paid within 48 hours.

11 Clothes Swap: I cant help it but I have put weight on and gone up a dress size. I’ve been telling myself I will drop down so I’ll keep those gorgeous rarely worn old clothes as I cant really afford new ones. But of course at a clothes swap I could swap these for gorgeous clothes I actually could wear! Theres loads of sites which will help you run one and get your friends involved too. - swishingparties.com

12 Book Swap: The same as above goes for books. If you’re librarys not got the latest in why not swap with some friends?

13 If you’re a gardener maximise the rain fall and get water butts all over the garden. It definitely cuts down on water usage later on in the year.

14 Spare change: Collect it! And pop it in a jar. Its amazing how quickly the 5ps and 10ps add up with the pennies!

Family matters:

15 Lego have two monthly free magazines they send out depending on the age of your children. Its free to register and keeps them amused as much as the magazines in shops.

16 Head over to Weekend Box.com or Toucanbox.com and order a box. Plenty of free codes online and you can keep them hidden for a rainy day.

17 Loyalty cards: Tesco do some great loyalties with their cards. We have had many a free family day out thanks to our regular shops! Just save the points up and swap. They often have £10 for £40 deals!

18 Freecycle.com. A great way to get odds and ends second hand for free. Our local one has had everything from pianos to bikes to kitchen electricals going.

19 Cant afford a holiday? Try looking at youth hostels. Many now offer family rooms and have great facilities and ensuites at a fraction of hotels.

20 Comparative shop online. From supermarket shopping to light bulbs to clothing. Everythiong is pretty much online now and most companies will refund you the difference if found cheaper elsewhere. Our long life light bulbs have a huge range in price of £20 difference!

What are you money saving tips? If you do need or would like money advice head over to The Money Advice Service for free impartial advice.


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