Review: Truckers - Terry Pratchett

Under the floorboards of the Store is a world of four inch tall nomes that humans have never seen! The Store is their whole world and there is no outside. Then one day they hear the Store is to be demolished....

Since I was a teenager I have been a huge fan of Terry Pratchett and his Discworld series and though I had heard mention of the Bromeliad trilogy I had never picked it up. I am so glad I was sent this for review as it has opened up more books by an amazing author for me.

Truckers is the first book of the series and aimed at the younger teenagers but personally I believe perfect for every age group. I've been reading this with my 8yr old son at night and we love it. I have had to sneak it out and read ahead while he sleeps for quite a few nights in a row. It creates a magical world to dip into which runs alongside ours. Truckers has some echoes to the world of Mary Nortons Borrowers but offers a fresher look at our world. It is a an incredibly funny read with proper laughing out loud moments and turns into a quick non putadown read.

As in all of Terry Pratchetts wonders there is a wonderful twist on reality which fills the book with exploration of the world as we know it with a wonderful humour throughout.

Final thoughts? Buy it, Read it, Enjoy the wonders!!


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