GettingCoolForSchool - Asda

As you know from previous post and reviews we’re fans here of George at Asda and their range and quality. We’ve recently been sent everything the boys might need to get ready for school….

 Sooo Getting Cool For School did you know they did school shoes?! This to me is a huge bonus after my eldest went through three pairs last year and at the expensive cost it feels a little like money being chucked away. They both loved the shoes from Asda. Especially the youngest who has Star Wars themed light up shoes! I suspect if he had his way the batterys might have run out before he even starts school! We did try scuffing the shoes up our path but couldn’t get much effect. And apparently they are great for standing in a sandpit in and having mud chucked at you, your feet still stay nice and dry you’ll be pleased to know.

We decided to put their clothing through the ringer and see how they did compared to other school clothes they’ve worn in the past. Starting off we washed and tumbled and washed and tumbled and they looked fabulous each time. No tinges of grey when they all got bunged in the wash together. In fact as you can see from the photos below they still look pretty brand new!

We have spent the week climbing trees, playing in the garden and even cooking in the kitchen to see how well they held up. They T-shirts are fabulous quality, thick enough and soft to hopefully last through the different seasons. They both loved the shorts with the numerous pockets for popping in lego, stones and any random bug they come across (please tell me your kids do this?!)

Having climbed trees to rescue frisbees and also to fill the bird feeder I’m impressed by just how much strain and climbing these can take! At one point the shorts got caught on a smaller branch and the tshirt was screwed up to keep it out of harms way! All came down fine though with no bones broken and nothing torn!
We loved the range that George at Asda offered. From underwear through to socks for the week ahead through to water bottles for September heatwave and PE kits they stock everything you need regardless of age or style! Fabulous as always George!!! 


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