How to keep your kid safe from injuries when playing contact sports

Sports are one of the staples of childhood, and injuries are one of the staples of sports.For any parent this makes a child’s athletic endeavors both exciting and concerning. But with a wealth of knowledge and research being done on injury prevention and recovery, now is the safest time for kids to be entering the athletic arena. Here are some of the key safety concerns that will keep your kids playing injury free:

1. Wearing protective gear, such as helmets and body pads

One of the main causes of injury in contact sports comes from athletes not using the proper protective gear. It is not only important to wear protective equipment to prevent injury, but it is equally necessary that the equipment be specifically made for the sport you’re playing. Kids football kits available from places like Tesco, and rugby and hockey equipment come in a variety of sizes, so be sure to find the correct the fit.

2. Warming up, cooling down, and stretching

Many muscle and joint injuries occur because the body is not prepared to enter into an intensive physical activity. The best way to prevent these types of injuries is by easing your way in. Go for a light jog to begin loosening your muscles, and then be sure to stretch properly to maximize your body’s range of movement. It is equally important that you ease your body out of physical activity, in order to prevent muscle soreness and the build up of waste products like lactic acid.

3. Understand the sport you’re playing

One of the most dangerous things an athlete can do is to assume they know the rules and strategy of a game. As the old saying goes, “the rules are there to protect you.” There is a reason head-to-head contact is illegal in most sports, or why tackling with cleats up is a carded offence in football. Before heading out on the pitch, be sure to understand the strategy and rules of the game you’re going to play.

4. R&R: rest and recovery

Injuries occur most commonly because the body is not at full-strength. And when you’re a lover of sports it can be all too easy to ignore that muscle twinge, and convince yourself that you’re fit to play. But playing sports when injured will only increase your chance of further injury, and will likely prolong your recovery time. If an injury seems to be taking a long time to heal, be sure to see a doctor or physiotherapist.
Sports are a fun and important part of a healthy and active childhood, so be sure to follow all safety measures that will help to keep you and your kids in the game.

Images by lincolnsu and PMillera4 used under the Creative Commons license 


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