What object would YOU save from a fire?

Legal and General recently asked me which object if my house were on fire would I save first. The obvious answer is of course children, family and pets but I’m going to presume for this article since they aren’t objects that they’re all quite happy and safe outside! Thankfully we’re rather lucky and live in a bungalow so our escape plan is fairly easy and we have smoke alarms throughout the house!

We’re very lucky that having my husband working in the IT world all our photos are backed up on various servers in case of a fire so I think I could bypass the photos which deck my walls. However the rest of the house is full of memories and knick knacks.  Irreplaceable objects that would leave a deep impression if I could no longer run eyes over them on a day to day basis. My wonderful book collection including our joint famous five collections, the pictures we bought on our first holiday together, my very lovely kenwood stand mixer I’ve only just convinced my husband to buy!  They are all there and perhaps 
I take them for granted every day, maybe I should protect our home better!

But if I had to grab just one thing I think it would a painting we have on our lounge wall. My husband was only a young adult when he moved here from SA with his family, they only had one carrier and of course it was mainly filled with his parent’s furniture etc. so there are very few objects he has from “home”. When his grandma died she left his a beautiful watercolour which hung on her walls of a traditional cape house set in the beautiful mountains you find there. It has been reframed but we both love it and it holds nearly 40 years of memory for my husband. I think it would be a little selfish to grab my books and run somehow! So yes if the worse were to happy I would sprint down the halls grab the painting and shoot out the doors!

You can read more from Legal & General about tips to keep you and your house safe here.


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