How can you make your home a healthier place to live?

With the start of spring and all its cleaning I do start to wonder about ensuring the home is healthy for the boys. The dust & dirt that seems to build up over winter despite regularly cleaning can be tiring. Heres a lovely guest post on just how we can make slight but significant changes.

 There are various ways that you can turn your house into a healthy and welcoming home. It only some small changes to certain areas to improve the health of your home and its inhabitants, and certainly doesn’t require an overwhelming or expensive renovation. Here are a few changes you can make to your home to create a healthier environment:

Get a good night sleep

Getting enough sleep is essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and the layout of your bedroom can affect your precious rest time. You can ensure you’re getting quality sleep by making small changes to your bedroom such as getting proper blackout curtains and not having any electronics on, such as TVs or laptops. Light and sound interruption will disturb your sleep patterns as this will over stimulate your brain.

This will lead to you waking up not feeling fully rested. Make sure you have a healthy bedroom and this will help you get some proper rest.

Install smoke detectors

This may be an obvious one, however, installing both smoke and carbon monoxide detectors is imperative to ensure the safety of you and your family. Carbon monoxide is particularly harmful and dangerous, as it cannot be picked up on as easily as smoke. Simply fitting your home with smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors in large rooms, kitchens and hallways will make sure that if there is a leak or fire, you will have time to act safely and accordingly.

Getting a dehumidifier

Particularly in the UK, and during the winter months, the humidity levels are high. It is therefore common in homes to have damp areas that can occur, which will most likely result in mould growing and damp patches appearing on your walls. Whilst this is most prevalent in older buildings and in unheated rooms, it is a very common occurrence in British homes and can lead to severe skin illnesses such as eczema ad also cause respiratory problems for young children and elderly people. Getting a dehumidifier and placing it in the room or area where damp is occurring will help eliminate any excess humidity in the air that can lead to mould. This is a very simple and effective measure to take to make your home a healthier place to live.

Vacuum up the dust

Whilst many of you will vacuum as part of your normal cleaning routine, doing a thorough clean and vacuum of your home will prevent any harmful build up of dust and bacteria in your house. With dust comes harmful bacteria and chemicals that can aggravate allergies. The best way to tackle this is to replace carpets in rooms with vinyl or wood flooring. This will make it easier to clean and make sure there are no chemicals collecting in your rooms. However, regular vacuuming with a good vacuum cleaner with strong suction and a HEPA filter will ensure dirt and dust is removed.


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