Creature Comforts - Book Review

It’s Sunday and what better way to spend the day then curled up on the sofa with fresh cake and reading a lovely spellbinding gentle read? Why not start with this latest from one of my favourite authors?

Beautiful Cover
 I love Trisha Ashleys style of writing and find her books are a perfect solution to relaxing after a hectic. As soon I downloaded Creature Comforts I was hooked and had a late night as with all her new books as I didn’t want to put it down. Her style of writing is perfect and absorbs you almost immediately in her world and characters.
Izzy fly’s back to break off her engagement and to return to her childhood home. A delightful village called Half-hidden. She sets out to help her dog mad aunt and resolve some unanswered questions from an earlier accident. You’re left to discover if she finds closure, does she head back to her feckless fiancĂ© or does the handsome stranger set to upset her aunt bring love back in to her life.
As always Trisha Ashley connects you with the main character of Izzy and you become friends and sympathise with her immediately. Her secondary characters are cast well and are as believable and as well thought out as her main ones. The novel follows a lovely pattern but is so exceedingly well told by Trisha that you are captivated as always and drawn in to each plot and sub story. It’s lovely to see her villages and other characters from past books are also weaved into the spell so there is a sense of familiarity which can’t help but draw you in.
Completely engaging and enchanting it is a light, easy read that you won’t be able to stop reading. And the added bonus of Trisha’s wonderful range of recipes of the cakes and treats mentioned in the book help finish this off. Sparkling & amusing and to my mind, just perfect. Well done!

I’ve tried not to give too much away of the plot so head over and preorder it now at Amazon or pop out and buy it from the shops as soon as you can! Rumours are WHSmith have it in early! 


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