Chuckling Goat - Book Review

Every so often you download a book more to have something to read than with any pre-expectations. I downloaded Secrets from Chuckling Goat from Netgalley expecting a soft gentle story I could pick up and put down at will. 

WOW is my response! What an amazing story Shann tells us. Once started I couldn’t put this book down. In fact the first thing I did was to make my parents and grandparents buy it.  Wonderfully told and it just screams to be made into a film I have to say. An amazing true life story of how Shann fell in love unexpectedly with a welsh farmer (she was a San Francisco city girl) and ended up saving his life! She manages to treat her husband’s MRSA and colitis by turning to her Goats. An absolutely spellbinding miracle! Shann then used her amazing findings and created a business offering natural goats milk remedies for skin conditions. She connects wonderfully with the reader and spares no details of it all. 

This book is making me change my lifestyle...Almost as soon as I finished I had to reread it again slower to absorb more details. Its completely absorbing and draws you in the further you read. Fascinating seems a little bit of an understatement for this book and I’m amazed I haven’t come across it before since it’s a huge best seller. I am a complete convert now to raw milk and even considering my own goats! Thank you Shann for sharing your story. 

You can buy the book over on amazon here or take a look at her business she set up here. It really is a must read even if you aren’t interested in health the story itself is worth the purchase. 


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