A perfect shot in the dark?

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of Panasonic products. They are of amazing quality and seem to continuously at the fore front of technology no more so than in their new Lumix Camera the LUMIX TZ70.

Being a blogger my camera is constantly with me and on. My mobile camera no longer cuts it and recently I moved across to a DSLR but its bulky! It weighs down on the shoulder and when you have your hands full be it travelling with kids, pets or you just want to travel light; the last thing is wanting to be weighed down by a huge camera to just capture your adventure. I find if anything you’re less likely to use it in those cases. But of course you still want a better image than your mobile phone can provide.

This I think is where the LUMIX comes in. Just take a look at the video below. It’s amazing! I can remember when a pocket camera had 8mps! The Lumix has a fabulous 12.1 megapixels with a high sensitivity MOS sensor which allows for beautiful low light shots. This allows you to take beautiful clear photos even in dimly lit settings. Less noise and sharper picture. Perfect.

 It also allows for full HD video recording! Personally I don’t want to compromise on photos. They are there to capture an image not the essence of one. The Lumix comes also with Leica lens. The 24mm lens offer a 30x optical zoom offering the sense of intimacy that can be so hard to capture.

With the Lumix TZ70 it allows in manual focus peak precision. The manual control ring allows fine detailed operating of the Focus Peaking function. It shows up the area of focus and depth of field so you can concentrate on that perfect image. If your subject is fast moving though you can still get that perfect shot. With light speed auto focus and high speed burst shooting no matter how fast the subject is the camera shoots just as fast capturing a perfectly focus image every time.

With all of these and more this lightweight camera seems the perfect thing to slip into your pocket to take on you adventures. Whether it’s a day out or a trip around the world, I don’t think you’d be disappointed! 


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