Camera Envy

I love writing. I love going to new places, discovering new things and new recipes and introducing you to them too. But I don’t think my photo graphs sometimes portray the whole atmosphere that I want. In fact I have serious camera envy! I look at the stunning food photographs of The Cygnet Kitchen and I would quite happily eat every item she offers up without a seconds hesitation. They are pure works of art! Another who inspires an outstanding envy is Diane from Daily Walks. Her photos from her daily walks along the Northern California coastline and its mountain trails are worthy of any glossy book, poster or tv images. They are inspiring and just so breath taking!

I think I probably need on of these beautiful superzoom cameras and they are most definitely on my Birthday/Christmas wish list! But until then I suppose I better work on my technique;

1, Clean Lens. Of course one of the most important factors of taking a photo! No matter how beautiful a photo you’re taking if the lens has a smear you cannot regardless of photography tricks remove it!

2, Lighting. Use natural light where possible and then a bit more! Now of course if you live in raining England and don’t have bright sunshine guaranteed through the window every day you have to fake it! I was once advised to have light food from the back. Play around with the light and see what works best. In these days of digital cameras you can take a photo of light from 4 different angles and just delete the one you don’t want!

3, Props. You only have to look at The Cygnet Kitchen to see that props can make the perfect picture. Yes you’re cake looks amazing but add in a fork, some flowers in the background and a beautiful mug and the photo becomes a whole lifestyle piece.

4, Background. Following on from props you need to keep an eye on the background of your images. We live in a messy home. With two boys, a husband and a crazy dog it is impossible to have a clean neutral background so I ended up working with what I have. I whip food out to the decking and have the garden as a back drop. Christmas decs hung in the bushes rather than inside, a corner of beautiful flooring. I know of a blogger who had a corner set up with a free sample of wallpaper from the local homeware shop sellotaped to the wall and sample flooring on the floor. Her shots were amazing! 

5, Lines! Make them Horizontal. Even if you’re using your phone to take the photos. Most of the cameras can select a grid so makes the lines perfect. Straight lines are automatically appealing to the eyes! Also they take up more room on pinterest ;) 


  1. Thank you for saying such kind things about my photography, Lucinda, its a work in progress. So nice to meet a fellow Sussex gal blogger! x


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