Eggs & My Favourite GF Quiche Recipe

 After a week of indulging in turkey & ham and salmon I’m in need of scaling back a little on the rich food and making my diet a little stronger and fairer again. One of the cheapest but most nutritional ingredients is of course the simple egg.  Not only are they the ultimate in convenience food but they’re a useful source of protein, iodine and essential vitamins and are almost indispensable to the cook. There are simple boiled egg recipes which can teach even the most inept cook among us. Add some soldiers and salad and you have a great lunch there. Of course from a boiled egg you can make a huge range of dishes.

From the simple dippy egg with soldiers you can go on to slice the egg over a crispy slice of bacon, add a spring of watercress or lettuce and you have a wonderful sandwich to go. Of course if like us you still have a fridge full of leftovers why not substitute the bacon for a slice of salmon and the roll for a bagel. 

A perfect lazy morning brunch!
One of my favourite recipes though which takes a little longer is:

Photo Credit: Jamie Oliver

How scrummy does that look? So pop eggs into your trolley next time you shop and why not whip up your own version of a BLT, indulge in pure comfort with a runny yolk and soldiers or set your New Years lunch off with this perfect quiche. Let me know what you try! 


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