Wingz - Review

A lovely friend of mine sent me a text recently to inform me she was packing away her summer clothes and hunting out her winter clothes. Yes she really is that organised. I should imagine she’s probably planning Easter at the moment as Christmas is done! Any how it got me wondering about our wardrobes. Do you really have summer and winter clothes? Would it be better if you could wear your clothes all year round? Well Wingz just does that.

A new concept in arm fashion they are a sleeved undergarment which fits around your bra line allowing you to add soft sleeves to your strapless tops. You might have seen them recently on dragons den! There is an amazing selection of sleeves you can buy to suit your style and existing tops. From ¾ lengths to floaty chiffon sleeves which personally are perfect for the winter party season. They are also great if like my mum you no longer want to show your upper arms off and don’t want to throw away half your wardrobe!

Well they sent me a pair of long sleeves to review. They very fabulously do ones for taller people! It took me a little bit of wiggling and positioning to get them into place. The sleeves look fantastic immediately and don’t shift around. They come up to bra straps and don’t slide down nor go any further which means you can where large open necklines and don’t have to worry. They’re a great idea and look part of my tops. I’m struggling a bit with getting the front to stay below the bra line however it does help when you put it on from the bottom and bring it up! I’ve been wearing it out and about a friend of mine adores the fact that you can add the sleeves to tight short sleeve tshirts! They really are incredibly universal!  Head over to their site and see if there’s a style for you! 


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