
I’ve just come back from a lovely crafty event in Brighton thanks to the guys at Hillarys Blinds. It was set a gorgeous little tea shop called Taj’s Tea Parlour and that was so incredible I’ll be posting about it separately. But just picture briefly a retro tea parlour filled with vintage tea cups and tea pots and being served melt in the biscuits by the lovely owner while you muse over the hustle and bustle outside.

We had Kirsty from Makedo and Trend teaching us some of the tricks of no sewing decorations using the material from Hillary’snew collection. Kirsty gave us some rope and diamonds and as you can see we very quickly ran up some lovely bunting. A perfect thing to do one afternoon if you have scraps left over or want to quickly update your home in different styles in an in expensive and quick way. Cut a large diamond out with pinking shears (it stops the fraying) and fold the diamond over on itself the string or ribbon you wish to use and glue the inside. Hang it up to dry and there you go.

After the melt in the mouth biscuits and a little socialising we started on making the baubles. We used a polystyrene ball and squares of fabric. They were pinned back on themselves and layered up and the middle rough edges were neatly hidden with ribbon. Voila a gorgeous little bauble to hang up and again no gluing! The Hillary fabrics are lovely and neutral and we had great fun imagining where we would hang the different styles. I just now need to plan a new extension for the library to hang one of the colours and fabrics I took a fancy too! A big thank you to Hillarys, JoeBloggers, Kirty and Taj’s tea parlour for a lovely afternoon of crafting! 


  1. This sounds like a lovely day, and that bunting looks great. LOVE the bauble too, a tree full of these would look fab!

  2. It was super nice to meet you yesterday!

    Aisling | aisybee.com


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