Secret Spy Kit - Interplay review

How many among us have little spy’s in the making? I know I do! From small pieces of selotape across shut doors (to see if anyone’s been in the room) to having two little heads peeping round the kitchen door to see exactly what mummy’s cooking for lunch. Needless to say they are very keen on being a grown up spy and knowing all their secrets!

The Secret Spy Kit from Interplay is a little kit to help you crack codes and spy on your friends and keep your money safe. It’s aimed at children 8+ and retails at £12.99
The kit contains:

*        Big and small mirrors (made from plastic not glass so much safer)
*        Scenery insert
*        Die-cut sheets
*        Double sided sticky tape
*        Plastic beads
*        Bendy mirror
*        Tracing paper
*        Plastic box
*        EVA foam
*        Grids card
*        Colour Instruction Manual

It’s not quite what I was expecting as its more of a science kit than a spy kit. Within the kit are the contents and instructions to make four different cool science & spy equipment.

Super Snooper Periscope – which the boys adored! To make it was very simple and straightforward. Absolutely fabulous and light it’s easy to slip around corners and trees and over walls without any hassle.

Secret Spy Code – A little more complex than I was expecting but perfect for Jack as he’s just started doing this in maths & at beavers. It requires a little maths and drawing and perhaps isn’t as exciting as it could be but drawing the lines precisely to make a picture and using the dots was so very different from what he expected he really sat down and got into it.

Black Hole Money Box – by far the best little set in the box. Again as with the others everything’s included to sit down and get started straight away. A fabulous trick to keep your money safe and enjoy perplexing your friends with.

Again it’s a great little kit but focussed more on maths & science then perhaps spying. However it kept the boys amused for a good length of time even though my youngest did need a little help with the Spy codes etc. Perfect for playing inside at the time of year and outside on the sunny days, it tore them away from the laptops!  My eldest thinks is pretty cool and has taken in the money box to show off at school & beavers. All in all 8 out 10 stars!


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