Great Food Starts with Great Water - Vegetable Soup

Honestly it really does do this!
Readers – do you remember the competition and post I did recently about Better with Brita? Well there competition ends on Monday so please do get entering. Whether the family love your bread, you cakes or you in fact sell your wares in the village do headover and enter. After all just think how many recipes you use which involve water at some point?

I thought I’d share with you how we’ve used our Brita filter to make our everyday cooking better too. It is an old family recipe and we tried the using the water from our filter for the first time this week. The stock was clearer and it didn’t have the metallic taste we can occasionally get from our tap water!

 Vegetable Soup


2 Large Potatoes
1 Large Onion
2 Medium Carrots
Tin of Tomatoes or Passata
Large Handful of frozen Peas
Large Handful of Pasta
Stock – 1 Litre (water from Brita Filter)
Any other veg you have lurking in the bottom of the freezer or fridge we’ve used tinned sweetcorn, broccoli, leeks, sweet potatoes, you name it!


Chop the carrots and onions and allow to brown in the bottom of a large pan. While these brown, peel & chop your potatoes and add them to the saucepan.
After the onions have browned and the potatoes have been in a couple of minutes add the stock (all the vegetables should be covered by the stock. Add more if needed)
Add the tinned tomatoes and any extra veg you have around.
Bring to the simmer and allow to simmer away for 15 mins.
Add the pasta & frozen peas.
Ten minutes later it should be ready to serve. Press a wooden spoon or edge of a fork against a chunk of potatoes and it should slide through if cooked.


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