Another pair of shoes?!

One week after spring half term and already my eldest is in his second pair of shoes this year! How do boys do it? (is it just boys?!) I can only presume that the second he goes out for play he heads up to the brick wall and starts kicking it until break end! After all how on earth can you wear down toughened leather with extra toe protectors that quickly? Add in the fact that once a week he’s in wellies too its amazing skills!

Remember these?!
Slightly stunning too in the cost of school shoes. I can distinctly remember from my childhood wanting a certain pair of white school shoes which had a key hidden in the sole. Whether I was a sucker for advertising or I genuinely thought that the key would lead me to a magical kingdom I’m not sure but boy did I want a pair. Needless to say the price of these were double the sensible brown or later on navy blue buckles shoes I was landed with. Deep down in my heart I still want a pair of magical shoes!  However back to the topic in hand….the price! I know everything is going up on the high street but being charged almost £50 for a pair I then hunted down at Brantano who had them at half the price is somewhat galling. I used to use them for their shoes when they were toddlers since they stock Start-rite and now discovering that they stock Clarks too and other decent brands I live in hope that come the end of their schools day I might not be a pauper! 


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