Winter sports?

Wondering what to do in the evenings here with a local friend we decided, now the evenings were getting later (hahahahaha but seriously!) wouldn’t it be great to start up a little team to do something fun. We both had fond memories of rounders on the school fields and how much more fun this was than netball (conveniently forgetting one is played in summer, one in winter…for a reason!) So the next logical thought, well we thought, was to see how many others might actually be up locally for whacking a ball hard and running madly for it. Surprisingly a fair few of us were and before you knew it a team was born.
Well maybe not quite playing for England yet.....

Now most of us are well over 18 and we want a nice team outfit. Big baggy men’s t-shirts or the very tight t-shirts most companies seem to think suit us (we didn’t) seemed to be the only option if we wanted a team name on them. Online however there is a company I’d looked at for the boys, they create custom t-shirts which are perfect for us! From some gorgeous long sleeved flattering styles for winter to some lovely deluxe v necks, which flatter any one, it seemed the place to go. Then just to make it better because if you remember anything about rounders it’s that it was played in the summer and there’s a little bit of waiting around either out in the field or waiting to bat so the opportunity to get matching longline custom hoodies might be too much to pass up on!

The fun you can have with full headlights trained on a field in the semi dark is rather incredible! It will get even more fun I know when we have the long summer evenings and we can get the kids involved and finish it off with a BBQ but at the moment, well at least we’re comfy & warm!

Why not set up your own local rounders team? I’m amazed by just how many of us were interested! 


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