Please look after your planet!

Have you all watched Charlie & Lola? We’re big fans in this household and we’ve been watching the episode “Please look after your planet” They are both at the age now where this has resulted in a hundreds of questions from What can we do to recycle at home, Any interesting facts & What happens to it. The same questions recently came up at playschool to so….:
What can you do?

Make a game: We have recycling bins at home and the boys practise their aim by throwing the paper & cardboard in from all different angles of the kitchen & house.

Make a Robot: Very Blue Peterish  but from your old washing up bottles, cardboard tubes rockets and robots can be made and provide hours of fun!

Visit a plant: Some local recycling plants welcome young visitors to show around!

Interesting Facts?

The average UK family throws away 6 trees worth of paper in their household bin a year.  DSSmith a leader in recycling claim that they alone cover 5.4million tonnes of paper recycling a year!

75% of our waste is recyclable but we actually only recycle 35%

In 2010 paper recycling has increased by 89% since the 1990s!

The energy saved from recycling 1 plastic box will power a lightbulb for 6 hours!

The UK produces more than 100 million tonnes of waste every year,
one tonne is about the weight of a small car. In less than two hours, the
waste we produce would fill the Albert Hall in London, every eight
months it would fill Lake Windermere, the largest and deepest lake in

What happens to it?

 Ever heard of the recycling loop? The three arrows? Well they stand for the three steps in the process.

1st the collection of your recycling. The dustbin men each week. The forest tree commission at Christmas or how about RNIB who recycle your stamps?

2nd the taking of the materials and turning them into new products.

3rd When you buy the recycled products. Perhaps removal boxes when you move home. Again a fact from DSSmith, they can turn ours and your cardboard recycling into corrugated cardboard within a 14 day cycle. 


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