Chocolate & Raspberry Pavlova

Pavlovas to me have always been a summers day delight. Not really for use in the winter. That was until I tried this recipe yesterday!


200g Caster Sugar
4 Large Egg whites
2 tablespoons Cocoa Powder
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar


500ml Double/Whipping Cream
200g Raspberries
Raspberry Coulis

Preheat the over to 175C. Trace a 7 inch circle on the back of baking parchment(fairly heavily so you can see it through)

In a bowl, using an electric mixer, beat the egg whites on medium to high speed for 3 – 4 mins until they form stiff peaks that don’t droop when you lift the blenders.
Keep the mixer running and add the sugar, spoonful by spoonful. Keep beating well until  the mixture is stiff and shiny. Once all the sugar has been added beat the meringue for another 4-6 mins until the mixture is no longer gritty between your fingers. The mixture should cling tightly to the side of the bowl and feel dense. Sift the cocoa powder on top & add the vinegar. Using a rubber spatula roating the bowl and fold the egg whites from the bottom gently on top until the no streaks remain. (I left some streaks in as they looked great!) gently put the meringue mixture on top of the circle on your baking sheet and smooth the pillow till its about 2-3 inches high. Place the Pavlova into the oven and immediately turn the oven down to 150C bake for 1 hour & 15 mins.

DON’T OPEN THE OVEN! Trust that it’ll be ok!
When the timer goes off open the oven door and turn the temperature off and leave until cool ( I couldn’t as I left it till the last minute. I whipped the tray out but left the meringue on the tray)

Once it has cooled whip up the cream and a little icing sugar using electric beaters again (keep an eye on the cream it take ages then thickens in the blink of an eye) pour some coulis on top of the meringue and place the cream on top. Pop the raspberries on top and serve!

It should taste fantastic and the meringue will taste divine. Chocolaty and chewy in the middle! 


  1. I like pavlovas any time of the year... but they are better in the summer with berries and other fruit. Chocolate and raspberry sound great together. Thanks for linking to #CookBlogShare – check out the other entries on Pinterest
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