Education but not as you know it

 Since home educating my youngest with dyslexia, one of the things we've used to advance his education and understanding in subjects is the joys of YouTube, Audio Books & PodCasts. We read an incredible scientific study that pointed out that hearing or ear reading and watching videos allowed people to absorb information exactly the same as paper reading and studying and in many cases they actually remembered more from these methods. We back these up with regular chats, further investigations through research etc but what an incredible range to inspire and educate these days. I wish we had it when I was a kid! 

Heres some of our favourite youtube sites - I previously shared this with a home education page I used on facebook - Educational Freedom

One of the other things we love to study with dyslexia is life skills! A recent large company forum noted that many young adults coming out the education system lacked life skills! So having taken notes through out the whole weekend I came up with this list of essential life skills which future employers and future young adults need to make their life easier! 


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