Kingdomino Board Game

Coiledspring Games has the most amazing selection of board games and they recently sent us Kingdomino to play. It’s a fab game to play and very quick to pick up….

As you might guess from the name Kingdomino is a lovely twist on the original dominoes – only much much more fun! The game is designed for 2-4 players and though it's aimed at ages 8 up I think it could be played with younger kids too. Each game takes about 15 minutes and is very simple to pick up and get started.

The story behind the game is that you are rulers from Medieval times, and you are competing with other players to claim these new wonderful lands and make yours the finest kingdom of them all. Each player takes turns to create their 5 tile by 5 tile grid. Simple hey?

Well at the start of the game each player is given a single tile and a king meeple (1 each if ¾ players, 2 if only 2 players). The domino tiles are then shuffled (12 per player) and placed in numerical order in front of the players. The castle for each player is placed on top of your starting tile. The starting set up of the game takes less than a minute so it’s incredibly easy to set up and go which is great as the game is quick too!


As you go round the table each player chooses a domino to start and four more are drawn and arranged lowest to highest. Whoever picked the lowest numbered domino gets to pick first among the new tiles. Then the second person and so on. Each player moves their pawn to a new column. Once all the players have been players may place their dominos into their kingdom. They must have one edge that matches an already placed domino. Only one edge needs to match and players may discard dominos if they can’t be placed. After the 12 rounds of the game are played the one with the highest score wins! Points are given by the number of tiles in each area (water, fields, desert etc) times the number crowns in that area.


The quality of the tiles and art is super and really add to the fun of the game. This has been played numerous times in our house (you can't just play once) and with children and adults or a mix and everyone has loved it! We love that it can be played by multigeneration at the same time! Strategy and logic are superb in the game too. Surprisingly so! It takes a couple of rounds to get your eye in though we found which of course the boys loved when playing with newbies!

Kingdomino is a quick, easy and fast game to play and we’ve played rounds which have lasted between 10 minutes to 20. As I said before, the quality of it is fabulous, the tiles are thick but not plastic and the artwork is superb. It is a superb filler game and will be coming everywhere with us this autumn!can wear it and what other items work well with it too.


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