10 things every man needs...

My husband is starting to approach the big 40 and he and his friends have been discussing what essentials any man over 30 must have. What makes a man a man and not a student or a boy any more.  So their top ten list so far is as follows…

1, A suit which fits! – not a high street one but an actual suit made for YOU

2, Protection and decent cover for your phone – at the end of the day it has all you 
contacts, your work details and last 5 years of pictures on. Look after it!

3, A set decent kitchen knives and we’re not talking the set you got when you got married!

4, A meal you can cook without the need for hunting through books(NOT baked beans!) a proper meal. A high essential when you need to impress someone in your life. Although 
google makes a great companion to helping this!

5, A proper coffee maker! NOT PODS! Decent coffee even if its from a cafetiere beats pods and instant hand down. And after all is life a little too short for cheap nasty coffee?

6, A pair of decent leather dessert boots. Steve McQueen and James Dean were rarely seen without theirs. Trainers are for running!

7, A pocket knife. Enough said!

8, A real art piece – whether it’s a heirloom or you actually saw it in a shop. You need at least one piece of proper art in your house! Beer posters do not count!

9, Proper power tools - and be able to use them!

10, A loyal companion! Great exercise, perfect way to start a conversation with a stranger and hey who doesn’t want a dog!?

So do come on and share. What do you think makes a man a man? 


  1. This has been really helpful as Fathers day is fast approaching and my dad is really hard to buy for!

  2. My husbands going on and on about a coffee maker too-think I'll treat him to one!


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