A blast from the past...

Going through the pictures online this weekend I came across a photo from about 3 years ago. My husband was between jobs though he had one lined up, we had just paid off all our debts but it had left us with pittance. We were right at the end of the summer holidays with ten days to go till my husband started his new job and a paycheck was due and we had £70. I was determined to go on holiday and we had hunted down a campsite in cornwall. The tank of fuel to get there and back cost £50. We had stocked up the back of the car with long life food and had £30 left over. The campsite was amazing. A field in the middle of no where with cows on three side and a hole to empty the toilet and a tap for cold running water.

It cost £3 a night. We spent every day down at the rock pools in bright sunshine and splashed out on pastys! Absolute heaven and I think this photo totally sums how much fun we had!

Going on a bear hunt!


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