White Clay Craft Ideas

Recently we’ve been working with Viking Direct to make crafty fun with the children. We decided that one of the best crafts we could do with our children was to play with white clay.

Pinterest is full of exactly what you can do with white clay and your children. From 
making ornaments at Christmas it also allows you to make flower pots, ornaments, gift tags, jewellery and décor. No matter what you want it’s fairly certain that white clay which needs to special treatment, just air drying, would be perfect for you.
We originally played with it at home and made some fabulous gifts tags for presents and also some tree decorations. However you can do so much with it and its so cheap we decided to get some more and take it down to our Beaver Scout group.

 Back when I first had the boys I can remember getting their finger prints put into silver clay for me as a keepsake. Did you know for a pittance of the price you can do the same with white clay? We used the Viking Direct white clay to make some fabulous presents for the presents with their children’s fingers prints. It was easy to draw in the date and a message from the little ones and the children adored decorating the clay with sequins and patterns (roll lace over the top for a stunning print) and once they were dried many decided to paint them.

We made a huge ornament which had all of our beaver scouts prints on it – a fabulous way to celebrate 30yrs of beaver scouts!

I love the white clay from Viking and have actually ordered some more this week to get started on just a few of these projects I found below from Pinterest. With Easter and half term just a couple of weeks away imagine what you can make with them!

Ps just check out Delineate your dwelling for some fabulous step by steps! 


  1. Wow! These are so beautiful! I used air dried clay before - but had no idea that there was such thing as white clay. I think I will need to get some of these myself! I love the idea of gifts tags - how unique. I am pinning this. Hope you don't mind. Thank you for linking up with #FabFridayPost


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