Recipe: Easy Rice Pudding with Proper Milk!

Look at the colour of the milk! Gorgeous! 
Do you remember the milk you used to buy from the supermarkets that had cream at the top? Proper milk I always think of it as. Well with more and more consumers demanding proper milk there has been an increase in microdairys. I personally think its fabulous, the milk is thicker, tastier, creamer and quite frankly better for you. Most will deliver to your door but a very special one not only delivers to your door but also as a milk vending machine local to them!

Nell’s Dairy in Gloucestershire produce a “milk like no other” a very big claim which I’ve discovered they do actually live up too! They delivered some of their gorgeous milk for us to review and I had to of course whip up a quick rice pudding with it. I would normally add cream extra in my rice puddings but quite frankly there was no need to with Nell’s Dairy. It has gorgeous lumps of cream throughout and boy you should try it in your coffee!

Easy Cream Rice Pudding


100g Pudding Rice
50g Sugar
750ml Nell’s Dairy Milk
Pinch Grated Nutmeg
Strip of Lemon Zest


Heat over to 150c/fan130c. Rinse the rice and drain well. Butter an 850ml heatproof baking dish, then tip the rice and sugar in and stir through the milk. Sprinkle the nutmeg over the top and top with the lemon zest.
Cook for 2hrs or until the pudding wobbles ever so slightly when shaken.

Nell’s Dairy offers a great delivery service where you can order online and also buy gift vouchers for friends. I highly recommend the start kit which also includes fabulous glass bottles to store the milk in. What I love the most is with all this cream and tastiness the milk is also A2 so easily digestible for those with Lactose intolerance! 


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