Ben & Holly - Festive Fun

We’ve recently been made Ben & Holly ambassadors and have been having great fun ever since! We were sent a great pack to have some Ben & Holly fun over Christmas. They have so many fun activities that the boys couldn’t wait to get started. There was step by steps for crackers to make yourself, Nanny Plums famous hot chocolate recipe, letters to Santa, colouring in and a great dot to dot.

We took the pack away for us on a Christmassy weekend and the boys loved the colouring in and dot to dot and it gave us a lovely hour of peace and quiet while they got stuck in. Of course we did have to have all the Ben & Hollys Christmas specials on in the background (which you can buy on a fab DVD)

Their favourite was colouring in the Christmas card (we photo copied so we had one each) so they could each give one to mummy and daddy. And what a great way to get them to practise writing!

After we got home from the weekend away the boys demanded that we tried out Nanny Plums hot chocolate. The boys helped make this up and loved the drink! A side note to this that we have since had this every night before bed! Obviously Nanny Plum has a special trick as it’s a great way to calm them down before sleep! Much needed at this time of year!


I originally thought that it would just be my youngest who adores ben and holly who got involved with this but I loved that my eldest at 8 loves the humour that Ben & Holly offer and really got involved with all the activities too! If you want to try your hand out at any of these crafts or recipes head over to their website now and get involved! 


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