Hoping to be a Mark Warner Mum!

If you dont want to watch the video read 

9 years ago now I used to work in a lovely office. One of the chaps in the group I used to lunch with was my age and OBSESSED by skiing. So much so that midsummer lunchtime had us at the top of the local hill learning to ski on the grass. This mainly resulted in me toppling down the hill with my feet strapped to a board on wheels. Then having to ignore the bump and bruises and carry on in the office all afternoon.
Roll on February and two of his friends had dropped out of their ski holiday so would me and my husband like to come along….YES. Why not! By now I could manage to stay upright down the hill and how much more difficult could it be on snow?!

It was by far one of the most exciting, fun, exhausting, fabulous holidays we have ever been on. There isn’t anything that beats start off at the top of a huge mountain with stunning views and gliding elegantly to the bottom…Fair enough it took us both (and the exSAS lodge owner – he who doesn’t understand a 5 min break) a week to manage this but gosh it was AMAZING!

Now 8 years on my two little boys are old enough that I would love to get them started. We are such an adventurous family who love trying out new things I can’t wait for their first trip! I have strong memories of being at the top of a run and watching a child younger than Harry whose 3 shoot past me on two skis with a dummy in and mittens coping with a run that I took one look at and shot away! How fabulous would it be to give your children that confidence and excitement? So I’m hoping from this and my clip Mark Warner might want us to be their ambassadors for the year. I know my boys would love it as would I!


  1. Great post, fingers crossed! x

  2. I LOVED grass boarding. True it doesnt beat skiing or snowboarding but it is fun. I even think it was invented by a Joe Inglis?


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