How are we after the storm?

It suddenly went dark.....
Just a quick update to let you know how we faired the storm….If you follow me on twitter you’ll know that I’ve been lent a gorgeous XC90 from Volvo to test drive for this week and after the weather on Sunday & Monday today I cannot be more thankful! Apart from being huge and roomy and incredibly comfortable, we even considered sleeping in it at one point and yes with the back seats down there would have been room for my 6ft3 husband, me and two little boys! A squash but when faced with trees down and flooded roads and very luxury looking squash! However the superb car braved going back on the coastal road we had to take (gusts of 80mph) it never wavered, it took the flooded road and river in its stream…

Then the heavens opened!

Then we had a series of streams and yes I was made to get out
and wade through the water for this shot!
….and even when a large branch (small tree I personally think) came down on its bumper there isn’t a mark and nor did it hesitate in its mission! It’s probably not quite what Volvo was expecting us to do with the car to be honest, after all who could predict last night storm but it got an incredible test drive and has passed with flying colours.

A full post is coming when we’re back on holidays and you see the pictures of the detour across the muddy field we had to take too! Now to convince Volvo they don’t really want the car back…..

See all ok and well despite a bit wind swept! 


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