Strawberry & Rose Mousse

As our thoughts turn gentle to autumn and the season of mellow fruitfulness I have to introduce you to Driscoll Jubilee Strawberries. We were sent some to review and I don’t think I’ve had anything nicer for quite a while. I was always told by my mum to put my nose at the top of the strawberries and sniff. If they smelt they were perfect. When the courier arrived with mine the whole porch smelt of these gorgeous perfect incredibly sweet strawberries before I could even say hello. Pretty perfect!

I was asked to try out one of their recipes which you can watch below and on their website they have a huge range of others to try. I am quite tempted to try out the Artichoke, watercress & strawberry risotto. Most definitely to me the cream of the crop these strawberries are bursting for of flavour and could have stepped out of a story book. Perfect heart shapes, deep rich colour and so sweet no sugar is needed!

I made up the Strawberry & Rouse Mousse (recipe below) and have to say the mixture went a lot further than out 6 glasses. I’ve made meringues up with the cream & strawberry mixture and pureed the remainder of the strawberries with the rose water for a taste of late summer in the deep winter. Go and out buy some and do this if nothing else! Perfect heated up over ice cream, or spooned in to champagne at Christmas! I don’t think you could ever resent try these!

Strawberry and Rose Mousse
Cheesecake Pots
Serves 6

Prep time: 10 minutes (plus 2 hours chilling time)
Cooking time: 10 minutes

500g strawberries, washed and hulled
150g digestive biscuits
40g melted butter
50g icing sugar
11/2 tsp. rosewater
600ml double cream
1 large egg white

Crush the biscuits with a rolling pin to fine crumbs and combine with the melted butter. Divide between the bases of 6 glasses and place in the fridge to set.
Place the egg white and icing sugar into a heatproof bowl and set over a pan of simmering water. Whisk for 5 minutes or until the mixture reaches medium peaks. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
Place the strawberries (reserving 3 for decoration) into a large pan with the rose water and 3 tbsp water. Over a medium heat, cook the strawberries until they begin to soften, about 3-4 minutes. Remove from the heat and mash the strawberries using a fork or masher. Sieve to remove the seeds and set aside to cool completely.
In a separate bowl, whip the cream until smooth and thickened. Gently fold the cream into the egg white, then add the cooled strawberry puree and continue to combine with gentle folding actions.
Spoon into 6 separate glasses and chill for at least 2 hours, or until set. Slice the reserved strawberries in half and use to decorate the top of each pudding.

Jubilee strawberries are on both twitter and facebook.


  1. Yummy! I haven't had strawberry mousse for ages!

  2. That sounds a bit yummy. Might have to give that a go! xxx

  3. Those strawberries look divine! Very yummy! :-)

  4. oh my goodness, that looks GREAT! - I am bookmarking this page.

  5. oh my goodness, that looks GREAT! - I am bookmarking this page.

  6. I found your blog through 'blog love day' link up, what a lovely blog post and a fantastic recipe. I am the biggest fan of strawberries so I may give this one ago :). X

  7. Hmm, I love strawberries and I love roses - am definitely going to try this :)

  8. Love the video - strawberry mousse is a favourite but not so keen on rosewater unless it is merely a hint of it. I find it so overpowering. Thanks for linking to #CookBlogShare


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