Gardening Express

Of course since it was Summer when we moved into our beloved house one of the first things we did want to sort was the garden. It’s a different sort of garden to what I’m used to. In the old house we had a rectangle to design. In our new we have a mount, a vegetable patch worthy of an allotment and somewhere very well hidden we apparently have garden beds.
Well packaged
Gardening Express offered to get me started on cultivating this with an offer of my favourite plant. Magnolia! I’ve always wanted a house with a magnolia tree so when I received 3 I did a little dance of excitement. Now delivery was pretty quick – 24hrs later I had them. The box arrived slightly and ever so slightly knocked so I hesitated to open only to find they were so well packed they were absolutely fine. Greeting me were three plants all about a metre tall with glossy dark green leaves and a great deal of new growth coming through. 
Dont they look fabulously healthy?
Baring in mind they arrived at the heat of our summer I was quite impressed that they were still in damp soil. None the less they received a huge water from us and spent a week soaking up the water in the paddling pool.
All 3 plants have been well labelled with the best position and best way to take care of them. Being a newbie gardening this helps considerably as a fair few companies tend to believe you should research it all online! I’ve held back posting about them for a month to see if they’ve had any disease or anything else grotty to come to light but am pleased to say that we’ve had nothing but good from them. We’ve continuously had good clean growth coming through and I’m fairly certain they’re growing by the day.

Roll on Spring!

I can’t wait for Spring to see these beauty’s in bloom and I have to say I’ll be heading back to Gardening Express for the rest of my garden. It’s well worth giving them a tweet too if you aren’t too sure about anything, plants, when to plant, what to prune, bugs and beasties, they have been fabulously helpful!


  1. They look great value for money, will have to get some for my garden too, love Magnolias!


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