What I'm reading this month....

I know its late but heres a quick glance at what I'm reading this month!

The first pioneer across America. Laura Ingalls Wilders books are amazing, well told and perfect for curling up on teh sofa in autumn weather while you loose yourself to the untamed america of 100 years ago.

Tough going in some place but fascinating to discover exactly what on there!

I think love Julie Walters - she is a fantastic comedian which comes across in her book.  
Ever since I tried her cinnamon buns (which you can find earlier on my blog) I have been hooked by her cooking. Her recipes work well and so easy to follow.

Rebecca - just one of the amazing books Du Maurier wrote. I voted this as one of my top ten books and I think if you havent experienced Daphne this is a great place to start.

I havent got round to reading this yet but since reading MM Kayes Death in Kashmir and finding her writings on the Kashmir I though I'd try some other books about the place. One day maybe I'll visit!


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