How to Choose What to Renovate Next

Recently we have been renovating our home, and found that there’s just so much to do! Not only that, but it definitely costs quite a lot of money too. This is often the reason why we choose to spread it out over time and not just do the whole house in one go. Not only that, but if you were to renovate your entire home in one go, you’d probably have to find somewhere else to stay as it’s transformed into a building site. This can be expensive in itself and also disrupt your life quite a bit. But at the same time, even when you are taking it task by task, it’s not always easy to know what tasks to take on next. So in this blog post, we’re going to run through some options that might inspire you.

Focus on What Fuels Your Lifestyle

So first of all, we’re going to want to take a look at your lifestyle and how you like to live as this can be a key indicator. If you love cooking and food is a huge passion of yours, investing in gorgeous German kitchens first might be what you want to do. Or if you love pampering and a good soak in the tub, the bathroom could be for you. It’s all about working out what feels urgent.

Start with the Key Rooms

Another way of looking at it is the idea of focusing on the key rooms in the house that you want to use. Here, yes the kitchen and bathrooms can be included. But maybe you want a complete bedroom so that you can sleep easily? Or a living space so that you can switch off?

Go With an Easy Win

Sometimes, it’s easiest to go with something simple just to get you started. Maybe the hallway is appealing as it’s minimal. Or the smallest bedroom that you don’t use as it can be affordable? Often the room that is small or cheap to do will be where you want to start.

Do What Feels Fun

Then we have the ultra-exciting idea of choosing something just because it feels like fun! Maybe you love the idea of turning the basement into an office or gym? Whatever it is that feels fun to you, you might want to start here so that you can get the ball rolling.

Take the Hefty One on First

And finally, let’s finish with an idea that most of us won’t actually like but that would really feel better in the long run. And it’s to go with the one that costs the most first. This could be a certain room or a particular overall job, like rewiring the house. It’s not always what we want to do, but it could be the things that give our budget the biggest hit first and gets it out of the way. Then you know that all of the jobs to come are going to be kinder to your bank balance. And what could feel better than that?


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