7 Tips For A Cleaner Bathroom
There are a few places in the home that are so busy - and the bathroom is one of them! Little toothpaste smudges on the sink, hair bobbles, damp towels, the rush of the mornings and the remnants of bath night. The bathroom needs to have some TLC regularly, though, because they are the prime spaces for mould and grime!
Yep! The first and most important tip is to do it regularly. Cleaning is a chore to most people, and that means you might put it off (or do a quick wipe down when it is steamy). But to keep mould at bay and keep the bathroom a place that everyone can enjoy. Pick a time and a day in the week to get in there, set an egg timer and do what you can.
Grout & Descale
Taps and shower heads are prone to build up, and over time they will stop the shower head from working correctly. Soaking the shower head for 4 hours or more in vinegar and water will descale - effort-free!
Something that will take a little more work is the grouting. It’s not uncommon for the grout to turn black or start peeling. However, it is something that you can do at home. You’ll need a youtube video and the right grout.
Patching Up
Swapping shelves from one place to another, moving the shower rail, any DIY leaves its mark on the bathroom. If every time you go into the bathroom, you have a sigh; it is time to do something about it. Grab a bag of non-shrink grout like Fosroc conbextra gp (which is different to the grout you’d use around the bath), and start filling up the holes.
Mirrors that are full of smears are going to get on your nerves and not do their job correctly. Mirrors are great for making rooms look bigger and brighter, and if they aren’t clean, they’re not going to be able to do that. Not only that, but even if there are typical bathroom items strewn about a clean mirror makes it look less messy!
The bathroom is a space where people get dressed and undressed, using towels, face cloths, makeup, skincare… the list goes on. Good storage will mean that all of the debris that might typically be cluttering the sides can be safely tucked away. Cute wicker baskets with labels can help children put things back in the right place too.
In and around the toilet can be the source of some of the bathroom smells - but it is extremely important to clean it. An antibacterial spray and a cloth can take care of the outside of the bowl, and a cup full of bleach into the bowl is a great start.
Shower curtain
The shower curtain isn’t often considered something that needs to be cleaned! But depending on the material of your shower curtain, it is a good idea to throw it in the washing machine with a cup of vinegar or soak it in a bucket of warm bleach and water.
Cleaning isn’t a one-person job, and it can be made much easier to handle with these tips: 10 Tips & Hacks For Quick Cleaning.
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