Hotter Shoes Review

At the start of autumn Hotter Shoes sent me a pair of their latest style to review. I’ve had them a month now and have been given them a really good working out. I used to work on my feet and it’s amazing how comfortable a pair of shoes can seem in the shops and for a couple of hours until you are standing in them and walking in them without sitting down for a whole day.

One of my friends has long been a recommender of Hotter Shoes and I’ve umm and ahhed for months about them. Pillow soft cushioning, air pockets etc were they really that great or just a gimmicking product? After wearing these shoes in all manner of places and ways I can honestly say I’m a convert! I worried slightly that narrowed heels would mean I couldn’t wear them comfortably without laces but they seem to mould around your feet as you put them on. Just take look at their Comfort Club. It goes into some great information about why these shoes are so comfortable and there’s even style advice too.  
The style I chose to review was Donna; A high cut slip on, breathable leather insoles (with of course the air cushioned soles) and fully flexible soles. They work with your foot not against them like so many heeled shoes. I love suede shoes and as soon as I arrived sprayed them instantly so they’d cope for puddle splashes and wandering through wet grass.

They first time I worse these (I decided to jump in the deep end) was for a day on my feet running up and down the church tower. Stone spiral steps, no handrails. They had to work. And they did. They polished up my outfit of jeans and were firm and gripped incredibly well up the steps and I was soon flying up and down them without wondering if I’d trip. Next test was the afternoon; would my feet be sore, would my thighs ache from the heels? Well no they didn’t. My feet did start by the late afternoon to get tired but they hadn’t swollen as they would have in trainers or boots nor had my thighs started that dull ache from wearing unaccustomed shoes. In fact I was rather astounded. Not only had they managed to cope all day but I didn’t feel the need to kick them off as soon as I got back home. My next test was the following weekend along unmade up paths, dog walking through a park and forest and up and down hills. I never once wobbled on the ankle or felt them slip. The suede looks just as good as today as it did when I arrived and at one point on the walk completely forgetting I was wearing them I climbed up a fallen tree with the boys!

All in all I am a complete convert to Hotter Shoes. Not only are they fabulous styles but they have incredibly comfortable, long lasting and just perfect to sink your feet into. Do go to your nearest store and slip your feet in and try for yourself. Hotter Shoes are UK based company with nearly all their products being made in Lancashire. Not only this but their call centres are British based too. They are on high streets and have over 60 shops and also of course are a huge presence online. So you’re also supporting a British company and the high street in one.


  1. I wasn't convinced until I tried them either - now I wouldn't choose anything else! They are SO comfortable. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested


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