AA Skincare - Rose & Frankincense Mask

Earlier this month I received to review AA Skincares new Frankincense & Rose Deep Cleansing Face mask.

It promises to draw out impurities, moisturise and tone skin using its own unique blend of vitamins, minerals and pure essential oils. It also happens to be free of parabens & artificial fragrances. A win win! A 100ml pot rrps for £7.94 and goes a surprisingly long way.  

The Frankincense & Rose Mask has a gorgeous natural smell when you open the lid (I do adore rose smelling products) creamy and soft it slides on well to your face & neck. It applies incredibly easy and I’ve found I need a little less than I would normally use in a sachet or on some other clay masks. You leave it on as directed for between 5 & 10 minutes and unlike other clay masks it doesn’t harden or dry. You rinse off and voila are left with soft clean skin.

I noticed immediately after the first application that my skin was much softer and smoother and after a particular hard day outside and coming into a heated house by skin would normally flair up and be very dry but having used the mask it stayed smooth and didn’t tighten. It has definitely helped this month to keep my skin smooth and moisturised and fine lines I developed have disappeared and smoothed out. It is slightly pricey but I would highly recommend it as a treat for you and your skin! 


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