Feel like a Priestess

“Celestial messenger of various skill…with winged feet 'tis thine through air to course

I have a friend this month whose heading off to Greece and of course the first thing which comes into my head is the blue green sparkling sea which you can view the bottom of as its clear like crystal and sandy  and  rocky coves. Of course the other thing which springs to mind are the ancient gladiators! Leather, winged feet, gods and goddesses, myths, jewellery and wonderful classical designs.

So despite the fact that autumn and winter beckons, my thoughts are turning to Greek sandals and the way the comfort and amazing designs look better with every step. There is a long standing Greek myth that the god and goddesses selected their craftsmen to hand make their sandals who then enriched each pair with magical powers.

Each year there is a hunt on which starts on the first sunny day to find the perfect sandal. The sandal which will take you from evening to night, from work to play regardless of outfit. It comes therefore as no surprise to see celebrities out and about in these designs. From Sarah Jessica Parker wearing them with socks in the winter (maybe not my style) to Rachel Bilson wearing them nearly all year round, these sandals have stood the test of time from the very start - maybe because they can go from beach to night club! From the very first Olympic runner in Athens to the priestess in Rome they have the ability to fit every situation and look stunning.

So why not investigate in a beautiful hand crafted pair now, feel yourself as one of the beautiful Greek priestess and sit back with your drink and book that holiday for some heat, sunshine and comfort after Christmas now!


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