In need of sleep?

Did you know less than 44% of us are actually get out 7hrs sleep? It might have worked for Margaret Thatcher but quite frankly I struggle to run a household on that let along a kingdom! I wonder how many of us have trouble sleeping at night. It’s been 8 years since I’ve managed to sleep through the night and not wake. I don’t think insomnia is to blame but more two little gorgeous but troublesome boys.

Feather & Black – they of the divine beds and 12 years’ experience of getting us off to sleep, have been doing some research on this and their sleep experts have created a free little ebook to help us out. Covering the most common topics of bedtime routines, how to get those ever important optimal sleep hours and how to soothe the body & mind and create the right environment to drift off.

Not only packed with useful tips it also has some fun little facts like the people who sleep the least & wake up the earliest are from the south east (maybe this explains my problem!)While the tossing and turning of restless partners is keeping Yorkshire apart from happy slumbers. The sheer diversity of what actually keeps us awake is why Feather & Black point out there is no “one size fits all” in how to get to sleep.

If like me you might be kept awake by youngsters alongside this helpful book they also have on their own blog A Real Parents Sleep Guide which you can head over and share your tips or troubles and browse others advice.

With 13% of us being prevented from falling asleep because we’re lying here thinking of ways to get to sleep I think this nifty little book is a definite bonus is the aid to drifting off. If you don’t hear from me for a while it’s because I’ll have used these tips and be nicely in slumbers away from my phone & emails!  


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